Sunday, July 26, 2009

Men in Pink

I happened upon these two men embracing the color pink into their wardrobes today while surfing and had to share as I find it refreshing and think it compliments well. What do you think?

Photos: via ~ Garance Dore and dapper kid.


Marylynn said...

Men who can wear pink are the toughest type of men.
Love that haha

debra@dustjacket said...

I just love it when people express themselves individually through fashion, colours etc, makes for a happy wonderful world.


Sharon said...

I agree, pink on men is just gorgeous!!

agnes said...

the first guy looks so cute in pink, so fearless :)

Ella Gregory said...

I love pink, it's such a happy colour.

Kellie Collis said...

Looks gorgeous.... Not sure if i could get my husband in this tone... xx

Jane Alisa said...

Dont usually like pink on boys but both of these wear it very well :-) .x.

Marcia B. said...

a men who wears pink is mad sexy!

Ash Fox said...

love this! dapper kid is the best!


bloo90fashion said...

the first boy looks awesome !

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I wish I could get DK to have a chat with the hubs!

::HARUNA:: said...

i love guys in pink. i think they are cute & sexy.
and i think pink is now a gender-free, age-free color. PINK for men & women, young & old :)

Syed said...

Thats me! Haha thank you so so much dear :) I have never really understood why guys are scared of pink, it is such a wonderful colour. Hope you had a beautiful weekend dear.

Anonymous said...

Love! But then, I love everything the Dapper Kid does without fail.

Etrapar said...

I use to call them "candys" :P

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Very nice, yet I personally prefer pale pink on my guy! YuM!

Denisa L said...

some men look good in pink some men don't,these two do:)

avant garde design said...

love it! my fiance wore a soft pink tissue-type golf shirt style the other day when he came to pick me up at work and my jaw dropped. he has dark hair and blue eyes and he's nice and tan and it was all good :)

E.K. said...

Urban legend is that pink was a man's color until about the late 1800s...

PorkStar said...

I agree with some of the ladies up there, the guy in top pic looks good... (said from a very hetero point of view)

It is a very nice color indeed.

A French Cloud said...

I like it that it's an "in your face" pink and not a soft, wallflower sort of blush pink--good for them!

Move said...

pink on men is awesome, but the pink color should just one items, cuz i have friend who love pink color and hes use anything pink, and all people starving him :)

Ruhvana and Flanelli said...

ooh, i think I'm in love. they look fabulous in their pink shirts. I think these guys show that pink is not only for girls!


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