Today we welcome September and for me personally a new year, 3rd of the year for me, this day, my birthday and the official new year. I love September as it is still warm out, but I love the feeling of Fall around the corner and my 3rd try to get it all right (year after year)!! Its all about hope and optimism right?
In a rush this morning and have no idea what prompted me to wear a dress as a shirt other then the fact that it was wrinkled and I was out of time, but I decided to just knot up my Michael Stars dress into a top.. It is definitely debatable.
In other news I meet this lovely blogger, Zoe through Tumblr and she shared with me her pics for drugstore makeup with this video below and I thought I would share it with you as well. Great ideas as we all love to save money. A bit like my look on fashion, it is always smart to mix the high and low and to find what works for you. Enjoy and thank you Zoe!
Have a great day everyone! xo
Middle photo Salad of My Life
Top (Dress)-Michael Stars, Shorts-Joe's Jeans, Shoes-Nine West, Bracelet, Necklace-Forever 21, Sunglasses-Steve Madden