Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Up Street"

Leigh 2009


My love for photographing mannequins started with this photo that I saw in 2007 from Carol Watson I have quite a few that I have yet to do anything with yet, but I found this girl in NYC an loved that she was my bald one arm mannequin that I have had on my banner for awhile now. I get so much strong emotion from their expressions more so than photographing humans at times, weird, but another great thing is they do not move and sit still when you want a shot. ;)


Cheryl Lynn Pastor Romance Author said...

These photos are stunning. I love the mannequins. They are lovely, indeed.

Your talent is amazing to me. It makes me yearn for my earlier days as photographer.

You are so inspiring.

Sierra said...

I agree, your photography is very unique and so inspiring! These mannequins are elegant yet eery at the same time. It makes for creative ideas and an out of this world imagination!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Cheryl ! I am glad you decided to pursue your passions as well with illustration. I hope to buy your first book ;)

Anonymous said...

Great! Realy creative!

The Townhouselady said...

I warned you I was going to shamelessly swipe this video.

I gave you credit for it so I hope you don't mind!

Clarity said...

Your work is striking and witty too. I find your model amusing, but she doesn't speak much ;)

Agnes said...

You're amazing, Leigh.

And I agree, they're more than just lifeless dolls.

Unknown said...

I love photographing them seems like they have so many stories to tell with their lifeless, skinny little bodies.

georgia b. said...

absolutely beautiful!

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