Sweater- Textile Elizabeth and James, Shirt- Jack, Jeans- Earnest Sewn, Belt- Vintage, Shoes - Michael Kors, Sunglasses - Spitfire.
Driving around today in love with the colors of Fall, so gorgeous and need to take a day trip to the mountains before the first snow takes away all of the color and leaves a blank canvas for winter. But so happy to finally pull out this amazing sweater from Textile Elizabeth and James In love with the textures and just enough holes to keep from feeling bulky.
I also want to mention my good feel news of the day, my Cricket print made it's TV debut this morning in Canada on CityLine.

Photo Leigh Anne Allaire
A big thank you to Christine from Bijou and Boheme for helping make that possible and to Leigh Ann Allaire for the segment feature.
You can catch the episode here.