Friday, October 21, 2011


© Leigh Viner


A quick pencil and pen sketch from today that I decided looked finished as is in its simplicity and quick strokes. Love when that happens.

I have been swamped behind the scenes, I guess you can say preparing for the Christmas rush already with commissions and some side projects, cannot wait to share everything!

I also wanted to share this post from Emily over at Cupcakes and Cashmere as it really hit home with me, admitting as of late too that I have been a bit more irritable and impatient. Sometimes I take on more then I should and then well a not so very fun Leigh. And I really like to be the fun happy Leigh.. So as Emily says, admitting is the first step.

"Faulty Behavior"

"We all have faults – those inherent flaws in our personalities that make us act unfavorably at times. I’d never classify myself as the patient type, but lately I’ve found myself even more irritable than usual. I’ve been avoiding movie theaters due to the loud breathers/talkers/seat kickers that inevitably sit beside me, I find myself irrationally annoyed when drivers park their cars too close to mine, and recently I ditched an interior design project because it was taking longer than expected.

I’m not justifying my behavior (especially given my own history of bad parking jobs), but sometimes it’s good to simply be aware of your (not so admirable) habits, so that you can make a change. I have plenty of faults, but my impatience certainly tops the list. What’s your biggest fault?" ~Emily

Have a wonderful Friday Night! xo

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